Production is set to start in April on Return to Silent Hill, the latest installment in the franchise based on the popular Konami horror video games. According to a release, director Christophe Gans will return for the sequel, and Jeremy Irvine (War Horse) and Hannah Emily Anderson (Jigsaw, X-Men: Dark Phoenix) are set to star.
Return to Silent Hill is based on Silent Hill 2, and comes from a script by Gans, Sandra Vo-Anh, and William Josef Schneider. A synopsis reads: “The film follows James, a man broken after being separated from his one true love. When a mysterious letter calls him back to Silent Hill in search of her, he finds a once-recognizable town transformed by an unknown evil. As James descends deeper into the darkness, he encounters terrifying figures both familiar and new and begins to question his own sanity as he struggles to make sense of reality and hold on long enough to save his lost love.”
Return to Silent Hill is produced by Victor Hadida under his Davis Films banner. Hassell Free Productions’ Molly Hassell and David Wulf are also behind the production. Production is set to start in April in Germany and Eastern Europe.
“Return to Silent Hill is a mythological love story about someone so deeply in love, they’re willing to go to hell to save someone,” Gans said. “I’m delighted to have the wonderful talents of both Jeremy Irvine and Hannah Emily Anderson take us on this journey into a psychological horror world that I hope will both satisfy and surprise fans of Silent Hill.”
The Silent Hill franchise has been popular for many years, with the video game series first debuting in 1999. The series is known for its eerie, atmospheric horror and has spawned numerous spin-offs, comics, and a 2006 film adaptation, also directed by Gans.